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Periodic Feedback Form

Your Garden, Your Voice - Help Us Cultivate Your Ideal Service!

Our Periodic Feedback Form offers you the chance to reflect on your container gardening journey and influence the evolution of our maintenance services. We greatly value your insights, and with every piece of feedback, we commit to refining our offerings to fulfill your gardening dreams. Together, let’s nurture excellence!

Horticult LLC ❧ PO Box 190285 Atlanta, GA 31119 ❧ ❧ @HorticultLLC

Horticult Client Feedback Form

Your Garden, Your Voice - Help Us Cultivate Your Ideal Service!

Client & Project Identifier Information


Please provide feedback on the following aspects of our services by rating your overall experience with our container gardening and maintenance services on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being the lowest rating and 5 being the highest rating. 

We highly value your feedback on all questions in order to fully understand your experience. However, we appreciate that your time is precious, so please feel free to focus on the areas that matter most to you.


Overall Satisfaction Rating
Very DissatisfiedSomewhat DissatisfiedSatisfiedHighly SatisfiedExtremely Satisfied
Expertise & Knowledge of Team
Very DissatisfiedSomewhat DisatisfiedSatisfiedHighly SatisfiedExtremely Satisfied
Communication with Team
Very DissatisfiedSomewhat DisatisfiedSatisfiedHighly SatisfiedExtremely Satisfied
Expectations Met
Fell Short of ExpectationsAlmost ThereMet ExpectationsVery SatisfiedExceeded Expectations
Pricing Satisfaction
OverpricedSlightly OverpricedFairly PricedGood ValueExtremely Satisfied


Quality of Plant Selection
Very DissatisfiedSomewhat DissatisfiedSatisfiedHighly SatisfiedExtremely Satisfied
Maintenance Services
Very DissatisfiedSomewhat DisatisfiedSatisfiedHighly SatisfiedExtremely Satisfied
Quality of Plant Installation
Very DissatisfiedSomewhat DissatisfiedSatisfiedHighly SatisfiedExtremely Satisfied
Type of Services Offered
Very DissatisfiedSomewhat DisatisfiedSatisfiedHighly SatisfiedExtremely Satisfied
Customization of Container Designs
Very DissatisfiedSomewhat DisatisfiedSatisfiedHighly SatisfiedExtremely Satisfied
Timeliness of Appointments
Very DissatisfiedSomewhat DisatisfiedSatisfiedHighly SatisfiedExtremely Satisfied
Problem Resolution Efficiency
Very DissatisfiedSomewhat DisatisfiedSatisfiedHighly SatisfiedExtremely Satisfied
Likelihood to Hire Horticult Again
Definitely NotUnlikelyMaybeLikelyDefinitely
Likelihood to Recommend Our Services
Definitely NotUnlikelyMaybeLikelyDefinitely

Service Adjustments

Additional Services

Are there any additional services or features you would like to add to your plan or that you would like us to consider offering in the future?

Additional Feedback

Answer the following questions to the best of your ability. Again, we highly value your feedback on all questions in order to fully understand your experience. However, we appreciate that your time is precious, so please feel free to focus on the areas that matter most to you.

Suggestions & Feedback

Thank you for providing your feedback! We appreciate your trust in Horticult & are committed to continuously improving our services. Looking forward to touching base with you as soon as possible!

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